Social, Cultural and Historical Research

Social economic status
"23 rubles a month" this was a poor wage even in the 19th century, especially with Medvedenko's large family - he is not well off. He is not a peasant or worker, but would not be classed as wealthy
Food & Drink
He would eat simple, mainly stalwarts that would last such as bread and potatoes, providing carbohydrates that could make one meal to last a week, and any fruit and veg were likely root vegetables able to grow in the cold hard Eastern European climate. He could not afford luxuries such as sugar "no sugar for tea?"
His clothes would be made of cheaper material e.g wool, he could not afford fine materials such as wool and satin and not even cotton, though there may be an item in there. They would be natural or east colours such as black, brown and navy. He would wear leather shoes, but they would be old and battered
Medvedenko would not have the opportunity to listen to music except at Arkadina's house, where there may be a gramophone

There was a lack of racial diversity in Russia in the 19th century, but there was particular prejudice towards Jewish peoples and any Jewish character in this era would likely be presented negatively, as their religion went against that of the state
The state religion was Russian Orthodox during the Tsarist regime, the bond between state and church was very close, with the people of Russia beings forcibly encouraged to follow the religion in which they would be told by ministers that the tsar had been chosen by God and therefore had divine right to rule. Most people would have therefore been more religious than today.
It was not looked upon favourably by the church to get a divorce as it went against the will of God, however they had traditional views on marriage, that women should marry early and bear children, particularly as the infant mortality rate was so high. Arkadina is presented as a Bohemian by defying these rules.
Health ie smoking
The life expectancy was a lot lower then, around 65-70 years, this means Sorin is in the midst of old age wen in today's world he would still be on the upper cusp of middle aged. Smoking was not only socially acceptable but not even deemed unhealthy yet, so the majority of people smoked in the 19th century. Russia also had and still has a vibrant drinking culture with an affinity for liquor, particularly vodka
Youth culture
The youth as a sector of society was not yet entirely defined, particularly not in Russia. It was expected that boys would start work from a young age, usually about 14, while girls would begin to look for a husband around the same age. Puberty came later in life at this point in history so there was a more abrupt change from child to adult, with the teenager almost cut out. This is why Nina and Konstantin are presented with such childish habits and characteristics.

The Tsarist regime had ruled Russia for hundreds of years, the current Tsar being Nicholas II. There was growing discontent for his ruling - just over 2 decades after the oaky is set, the regime had toppled. This growing discontent was mainly in the lowest parts of society however, so it is likely not as evident in the play, however the more intelligent oft characters may be more politically inclined e.g. Trigorin
The industrial revolution was in full swing in the West and Russia was slowly catching on - there was a large change in the working class of people moving from being peasants to workers in the city. This influx of people to the cities created dense environments and unpleasant conditions in the city, and left the country understaffed and in trouble. This could explain Shamreyev's inability to run the farm properly and have left over horses - there is a shortage of resources

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